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Giving Feedback

Learn to give feedback efficiently and effectively to change and improve performance.
Giving Feedback How to give feedback at work

Course details

Valuable feedback is crucial for employee development and organizational success. In this Bigger Brains course, subject matter expert Susan Stocker will discuss what constitutes good feedback, the skills needed to provide effective feedback, and strategies for responding to resistance to feedback. She’ll explain your role in creating a constructive feedback environment and how you can prepare your team to view feedback in a positive way.  


You’ll learn how to distinguish between feedback, coaching, and performance management, how to determine the frequency and formality of giving feedback, and how to use a Feedback Model to prepare and deliver more effective feedback. You’ll also learn how to avoid giving ineffective feedback and see demonstrations of the SBI Feedback Model in action. 


If your job entails regularly communicating information to an employee about their performance, work results, skills, or other aspects of their daily tasks, this course is for you! 


Topics covered include: 

  • Describing the goal of giving feedback 
  • Distinguishing between feedback, coaching, and performance management 
  • Discussing the common reasons managers avoid giving feedback 
  • Describing your role in creating a positive feedback environment 
  • Determining the frequency and formality of giving feedback 
  • Preparing individuals and your team to view feedback in a positive way 
  • Discussing the essential skills for giving feedback 
  • Using a Feedback Model to prepare and deliver more effective feedback 
  • Listing ways to avoid giving ineffective feedback 
  • Listing skills essential for giving good feedback 
  • Identifying common forms of pushback to feedback 
  • Identifying strategies to effectively respond to resistance 


Enjoy award winning HD content in the “Uniquely Engaging”TM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style! Taught by top subject matter experts, Bigger Brains courses are professionally designed around key learning objectives and include captions and transcripts in 29 languages, downloadable handouts, and optional LinkedIn digital badges on course completion. 

Course Contents:

#  Lesson  Length 
1  Introduction  2:01 
2  The Importance of Giving Feedback  7:34 
3  Setting the Stage for Feedback  7:17 
4  Delivering Feedback  7:53 
5  SBI Practice and Essential Skills  5:26 
6  Handling Pushback to Feedback  8:02 

Course details

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