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Employees Appreciate Practical Training

In 2021, 74% of surveyed employees felt like they were not reaching their full potential at work due to a lack of development opportunities. One of the critical parts of a successful business is showing employees they have value and your respect. Part of this relationship means that you provide employees with things that will help them succeed as leaders. As we approach Employee Appreciation Day, keep in mind that one of the best ways to show your employees appreciation is to provide them with the correct training and tools for their future with the company. 

What kind of tools do they need?

Essential tools that you can provide for an employee are tools that will help them further their career. This means providing your employees with training materials to build their skills and talents. Depending on your business, this could mean signing employees up for an Adobe MAX conference or supplying employees with online training for essential office tasks.

This same survey showed that 61% of adults in the United States actively look for career development opportunities when considering a job. Employees can find career development training in many different forms. For example, one employee may learn more efficiently when they sit in on lectures, while another prefers a hands-on training approach. Opportunities to attend symposia or conferences is appreciated by some staff. The best way to make sure that you fulfill your employee’s needs is to ask them what they like. Knowing how your employees prefer to learn will help you determine what training best fit their needs. 

Two people standing and talking. Possibly two employees that appreciate training

What kind of training?

Since the pandemic, more employees have discovered the benefits of Just In Time training. Just In Time Training is the idea of having training materials available whenever and wherever they are needed. Instead of forcing employees to watch an hour-long training video, JITT allows employees to receive training on only the materials required at the time. Because employees appreciate the benefits of online training, 89% want training available anywhere and anytime they need it. 

Where can you find proper training?

Thankfully, Bigger Brains has researched how to provide engaging and relevant training. Bigger Brains puts in the time to ensure that each course keeps learners interested and involved with the material. The unique Teacher/Learner teaching style is unique to only Bigger Brains and is designed to help viewers retain knowledge. If you are looking for HD training that will benefit your employees now AND later, join Bigger Brains as we power productivity, one brain at a time. 

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