ALL EXPERTS    >   Chip Reaves

Chip Reaves

Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and Networking
Georgia Institute of Technology

Bigger Brains Founder and President Chip Reaves is a serial entrepreneur who has started five successful IT companies. An Atlanta native, Chip began fixing computers for small businesses in the 1980s while studying Computer Science at Georgia Tech.


After 10 years of building a successful IT Service Practice in Atlanta, Chip founded the Computer Troubleshooters USA franchise system alongside Wilson & Suzanne McOrist, which became the world’s largest computer service franchise and received multiple awards from Entrepreneur Magazine, Franchise Business Review, and This background gave him a degree of knowledge in the software and the managed service businesses that he has successfully applied to Bigger Brains courses and teaching.


Chip’s expertise is in Microsoft software, teaching courses on a variety of apps and iterations from 2010 to the most current Microsoft 365. He has been interviewed on TV and other major media on topics related to small business technology and entrepreneurship, including ABC News, BusinessWeek TV, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times, and is a member of Jim Blasingame’s “Brain Trust” on and has taught a variety of courses both live and recorded.


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