Accountancy training courses designed for you and your team members through our eLearning platform
Our accounting and finance eLearning courses provide opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of key concepts in engaging online courses. Whether you are seeking to dip your toe into the world of finance training, learning new skills, recap certain topics or focus on accounting eLearning based on specific software packages, Bigger Brains is the perfect solution.
Our teacher-learner style of courses provides a unique offering to eLearning, running through examples as if inside a classroom but with the added benefits of working at a suitable pace to the learner, breaking when needed. Experts within their field host our award-winning courses, providing comprehensive coverage and methods to enforce learning, such as knowledge checks and handouts to refer to.
Each of our online accounting courses are well structured, filmed in HD quality and includes colourful and immersive slides to captivate your learning.
Alongside accountancy training that provides an understanding of the accounting principles, you may choose to also cover specific accounting software such as studying Quickbooks.
Quickbooks is a market-leading finance software package produced by Intuit, which is widely used thorough-out businesses across a range of industries, worldwide. By undertaking one of our accounting software package courses, accounting knowledge can be applied to everyday finance processes and system management tasks.
The course durations vary depending on the topic and level covered, they are often between one and five hours.
Bigger Brains is committed to offering inexpensive training solutions on membership plans that have no lengthy commitments. Our pricing varies depending on if accessing as an individual learner, or as a team. For more details, check out our pricing page.
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