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Power Up PowerPoint (Presentation Skills)

Giving a presentation? If you want to avoid boring your audience to tears, this course is a must

$30 USD

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Almost anyone can piece together a PowerPoint presentation. However, most presentations are filled with bullet point lists, thick paragraphs of text, and the occasional picture in a desperate attempt to break up the monotony. You can do better than that! This course shows you ways to turn standard content into something that’s actually interesting to your audience.  


Taught by presentation skills expert, Kelly Vandever, and TEDx speaker Dr. Rebecca Heiss, Power Up PowerPoint shows you don’t have to be a graphic designer to create beautiful, impactful slides. Learn how to ditch the default settings and “amp up” your slides, so you can deliver your message with power and influence. 


Knowing how to create a PowerPoint slide is one thing. Knowing how to design informative and appealing slides is something different! As Roger Courville, author of The Virtual Presenters, says “PowerPoint doesn’t teach you to create effective slides any more than Microsoft Word teaches you how to be a good writer”. But this course will! During Power Up PowerPoint, you’ll learn ways to heighten your PowerPoint skillset and create presentations that will keep your participants engaged and inspired.  


Topics covered include: 

  • Learning how default settings hurt the effectiveness of your slides 
  • Learning step-by-step processes for creating appealing slides 
  • Revising existing slides to be more impactful 
  • Heightening slide design to increase audience retention 
  • Finding free and low-cost photographs for presentations 
  • Learning Rule of Thirds and other practical techniques to make slides look their best 
  • Inserting animations and transitions to benefit your presentation, not distract from it 
  • Including interactive polls and games in your slide show 


Reference documents included in the handout file: 

  • List of Websites for Royalty Free Photos.docx 
  • PowerPoint Fonts in Mac and Windows 2007 & 2010.pdf 
  • Rule of Thirds Grid 


Enjoy 3 hours of high-quality HD content in the “Uniquely Engaging”TM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style! 


Taught by top subject matter experts, Bigger Brains courses are professionally designed around key learning objectives, and include captions and transcripts in 29 languages, downloadable handouts, and optional LinkedIn digital badges on course completion.

Course Contents:

# Lesson Length
1 Why Power Up PowerPoint? 5:07
2 Logical Reasons 4:41
3 Design Ideas 10:19
4 The Process 6:39
5 Legalese 4:59
6 Image Quality 5:31
7 Finding Images: Add-Ins 7:34
8 Finding Images: Paid Sites 10:49
9 Finding Images: Free Sites 8:49
10 Rule of Thirds: Single Image 7:32
11 Rule of Thirds: Fill Slide 6:49
12 Image and Slide Backgrounds 3:32
13 Draw the Eye 3:52
14 Font Selection 4:20
15 Font Sized and Emphasis 3:52
16 Bullet Points 3:24
17 Charts, Graph, and Statistics 7:56
18 Tables 6:39
19 Corporate Templates 2:04
20 Convincing Your Boss 2:24
21 Animations and Transitions 1:56
22 Audience Interaction with Polls 11:04
23 Using PowerPoint Games 9:30
24 Adding Video 6:14
25 GIFs and Other Tips 9:27
26 Video Recording with PowerPoint 9:26

$30 USD

Suggested price per user, ask about bundle discounts

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