3 years ago
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Mastering Microsoft Teams – Bonus Content: New Course Announcement

Are you confident that your team is as productive as they could be in Microsoft Teams? Does your office comprehend how Microsoft Teams works, or do they know just enough to get by? Are you interested in learning the best practices associated with application? If so, check out the new Bigger Brains course, Mastering Microsoft Teams – Bonus Content!

A group of people sitting around a table, one has a computer. The computer could be used to run Microsoft Teams.

You heard that right, bonus content! Even if you are familiar with using Microsoft Teams, this course dives into a more profound knowledge of all available features. This course will cover information on using Shifts, Wiki, and the Whiteboard feature. Additionally, this course will help users work with recordings, transcripts, live events, and phone calls. Go beyond the basics and push yourself into the advanced with this new Bigger Brains course!

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