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All articles   >   Brain Bites: Time Management (Spanish) – New Course Announcement

Brain Bites: Time Management (Spanish) – New Course Announcement

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with your workload? Do you find yourself procrastinating and running out of time to complete essential tasks? If so, it’s time to take control of your schedule and master the art of time management. Thankfully, this can easily be done through the Bigger Brains course Brain Bites: Time Management (Spanish).

In this course, you will learn why you would conduct a time audit and how that can be done. Teachers Jason and Kayla will also show you how to identify your priorities and manage them accordingly. Additionally, this course will cover the three critical elements of a useful To-Do list. Upon completing this course, you should be able to effectively use the 80/20 rule to connect your priorities to your energy level and manage your To-Do list and interruptions. Whether you’re looking to boost your productivity at work, reduce stress in your personal life, or make the most of your time, this course is the perfect solution. Enroll in our time management course today and start achieving your goals more efficiently and quickly.

Watch the course sample below!

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