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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Bigger Brains

facts about BiggerBrains

In a constantly growing and changing world, there is always something new to catch your eye. The facts about Bigger Brains are not new, we’ve been around for ten years now; there is still more to learn about the company aimed at creating more productive workplaces through exceptional eLearning. Today, here are ten things you didn’t know about Bigger Brains

1. Chip Reaves and his impressive past

The founder of Bigger Brains, Chip Reaves, is no stranger to growing a business. This serial entrepreneur has around 30 years of experience as an IT consultant. The time spent in this field influenced Chip’s decision to create Bigger Brains! While providing software to end users is a hefty task, it is only half the battle. The other challenge, as Chip Reaves realized, was providing training materials so end users could use the software efficiently.

After scouring the market, Chip concluded that engaging and insightful training doesn’t exist. Thankfully, that answer was not sufficient, and instead of waiting for someone to put quality effort into their training courses, Chip decided to take that responsibility himself. Endless hours of research to determine what makes a training course engaging and educational provided Chip Reaves with the perfect formula. Thus, the teacher/learner style course delivery was born! It’s been ten years since an idea blossomed into reality, and with Chip at the wheel, improvements to the Bigger Brains Uniquely Engaging™️ format will continue to develop.

2. Why our Uniquely Engaging™️ format works

Did you know that every Bigger Brains course is created with two people on screen? We call this our “Teacher/Learner” format because our courses replicate an in-person classroom environment for our end-users. As they watch the Teacher explain the subject matter, the on-screen Learner is actively asking questions throughout the entire course. This helps the end-user hear questions they may already be thinking about and, in turn, retain the answer given by the Teacher on-screen. At Bigger Brains, we don’t believe that “talking heads” make for good training. Instead, we are focused on engaging the end-user and helping them retain information for the rest of their career.

3. We Provide Free Online Course Catalogs

Whether you are looking for training for an induvial or an entire organization, Bigger Brains provides free online course catalogs for any potential/existing client. To request a free online course catalog, select the orange “Download Catalog” button at the top of our home page. Bigger Brains catalogs provide insight into the entire Bigger Brains library, including information on dubbed courses and which courses include BrainBot boosters. These course catalogs can be a helpful tool in figuring out what courses your employees may be interested in, as well as how recently our software courses have been updated.

4. Bigger Brains BrainStation: Our very Own LMS

While you don’t have to use the LMS that Bigger Brains provides, BrainStation is equipped with various tools to make keeping up with course completion easy. While eLearning may have a history of being complicated, BrainStation is home to a user-friendly interface focused on improving user experience. The home page provides clear directions on where courses can be found and completed for every user. Additionally, Team Leaders are provided the tools to create Learning Paths, Custom Courses, Subteams, and more! Reporting features highlighting courses, learners, and the Team as a whole are available, as well as information on trending courses and user access.

5. We are the Best eLearning Platform!

The Bigger Brains team constantly pushes themselves to improve what it means for a course to be Uniquely Engaging™️. Whether this means improving the graphics featured inside courses or trying new things in the studio during production days, there is always room for improvement, and the Bigger Brains team recognizes that. Would you be satisfied with a course that is just “good enough” to train your workforce? If not, don’t settle for an eLearning company that thinks its courses are just “good enough.” Trust Bigger Brains to know that our courses are already the best, and we are determined to keep it that way.

6. Bigger Brains keeps teaching even when a course is completed

While every Bigger Brains course comes with a certificate upon completion, the education continues beyond there. The Bigger Brains BrainBot chatbot, BrainBot, is designed to recall and question a user about information taught inside a course after completing the course. Depending on personal preference, these booster sequences can run over a few hours or a few weeks. The goal is to move information taught inside a Bigger Brains course from short-term memory into a user’s long-term memory.

7. Competitive Pricing Across the Board

As if the tools and features that come with the course library are not enough to prove Bigger Brains is the best in the industry, Bigger Brains pricing seals the deal. Bigger Brains offers competitive pricing on our courses, no matter who is purchasing them. From Non-Profits and Individuals to Resellers and Corporations, Bigger Brains pricing is competitive and accessible no matter your training and development budget.

8. Self-Service SCORM

One of the exciting features Bigger Brains has to offer is our Self-Service SCORM sample provider! This convenient tool is a game changer for individuals who use SCORM content inside their LMS. Accessing and uploading a trial of our entire course library into your LMS allows individuals to see if Bigger Brains is the right fit for their organization in real-time. Instead of jumping through hoops to test an eLearning provider to find out they aren’t a good match, try Bigger Brains on your schedule, and we’ll work with you from there!

9. Award-Winning eLearning Company

One thing you didn’t know about Bigger Brains is that we constantly receive awards for engaging content! From 2020 to 2022, Bigger Brains has consistently received praise from Training Industry for our Online Learning Library. Additionally, Bigger Brains has received the Best of Elearning award annually from 2015 to 2020.

10. Bigger Brains Courses

With over 200 courses in our course library, Bigger Brains courses cover many subjects. Most of our courses cover Microsoft Software and aim to help individuals of all skill levels get the most out of their tools. Whether you’ve never heard of Excel before or you’re an experienced accountant and use it daily, Bigger Brains courses will show you tools and features that may make your life easier. In addition to our software courses, Bigger Brains offers a wide variety of soft skill courses. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Get Bigger Brains today!

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