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Meet the Teachers at BiggerBrains | Part 2

BiggerBrains Teachers 2

Bigger Brains has a diverse range of courses in our library, with over 200 to choose from. We have recruited top experts in their respective fields to be our teachers and share their knowledge with our students. In addition to teaching on our platform, these influential educators have a wealth of experience and expertise outside of the virtual classroom. Let’s take a closer look at some of the talented teachers in our network.

Because of the wide variety of courses Bigger Brains includes in our library of over 200 courses, we recruit many influential teachers to pass on knowledge in their field of study! There is more than enough to keep our teachers busy when they are not shining bright on the Bigger Brains screen; let’s take a look!

teach Ben Cothran

Ben Cothran

While you may recognize Ben Cothran as the teacher in the Bigger Brains course, Workplace Safety: Active Shooter, he can also be recognized as the Lieutenant to the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office. Ben uses his knowledge of general safety daily as he utilizes the skills he explains in our Active Shooter course.

teach rebecca schwartz

Rebecca Schwartz

Rebecca Schwartz, a Plain Language Consultant, has been a joy in the Bigger Brains studio on more than one occasion! With a career in checking documents for understandability and translating information into straightforward language, Rebecca has lots of experience with word processing systems. Rebecca Schwartz has a history of working for the United States Peace Corps, teaching high schoolers and adults English. All these experiences, and more, make Rebecca Schwartz the most qualified individual to lead the Bigger Brains courses; Creating Word Templates, Designing Beautiful Documents, Proofreading, and Writing in Plain Language.

teach chip

Chip Reaves

Despite being the CEO of Bigger Brains, Chip Reaves has an active part in most of the software courses Bigger Brains provides. Before his time at Bigger Brains, Chip was the Founder and CEO of Computer Troubleshooters USA, Inc. Computer Troubleshooters, now known as Clever Techs, provides high-quality IT support to small businesses. In his free time from Bigger Brains, Chip Reaves is also an active board member to Rebuild Upstate!

teacher idaho edokpayi

Idaho Edokpayi

When it comes to understanding the basics of SharePoint, Idaho Edokpayi is the man to explain it all! When he is not helping Bigger Brains, Idaho works as a Solutions Architect, creating the overall technical vision for a solution to a specific business problem. Idaho Edokpayi has a history of being a SharePoint Architect, making him the best person to teach the Bigger Brains course, SharePoint Online Basics.

teacher Kat Snizaski 2

Kathy Snizaski

Kathy Snizaski is a Bigger Brains regular! Because of her knowledge and experience in different software, she has been able to instruct various courses for Bigger Brains. Outside the studio, Kathy can be found running interactive business Training; a company focused on providing professional development to individuals and organizations. Additionally, Kathy Snizaski has a history of providing staff training on technology and soft skills. These experiences make her an excellent teacher for the Bigger Brains courses; Mastering Visio – Basics, Mastering PowerPoint 365, Power BI Essentials, and more!

teach andy offutt irwin

Andy Offutt Irwin

When it’s time to bring some humor into a Bigger Brains course, Andy Offutt Irwin is the first name to consider! In his day-to-day life, Andy is known as a professional storyteller and songwriter. Andy Irwin has received the 2013 National Storytelling Network’s Circle of Excellence Award and all six of his storytelling CDs, the Storytelling Word Award! When he is not telling stories or writing songs, Andy can be found practicing the art of professional whistling! All these characteristics make Andy Offutt Irwin the perfect person to teach the Bigger Brains course, Storytelling in Business.

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