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Mastering Outlook 365 – Beginner (2022): New Course Announcement

Being able to sort and manage your inbox is necessary in today’s world. Because of this, understanding all of the tools and features provided by Microsoft Outlook is a precious asset. The new Bigger Brains course, Mastering Outlook 365 – Beginner (2022), is created to give you an understanding of essential tools at your disposal within Outlook 365.

Within this course, you will learn the foundational features that can help improve your daily work responsibilities. Learn how to navigate and customize the calendar, and view and create contacts with teacher Peggy Ward. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to navigate and use the basic elements of Outlook 365 and start managing emails, using the calendar, and adding contacts! Take advantage of this course and start your journey to become an Outlook 365 expert today!

Watch the course sample below!

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