Todos los expertos    >   Laurie Holleman Sherrod

Laurie Holleman Sherrod

Microsoft Office, Google Apps
BA Math, Clemson University, MAT Math/Computer Science, The Citadel

Laurie Holleman Sherrod has a BA in mathematics from Clemson University and a MAT in mathematics/computer science from the Citadel. Her experience includes teaching math, computer science, and various computer technologies at the high school, community college, university, and senior citizen levels.


She has also worked as a computer programmer analyst, technical support manager, trainer, systems analyst, knowledge base administrator, and trainer. Her teaching includes various computer technologies – including Microsoft operating systems (back to DOS), Microsoft Office, Google Apps for Education, and many more.


Laurie was one of the first certified Google Apps for Education trainers in SC. Laurie is an avid Pickleball player and maintains a website and mailing list for a large group of Pickleball players in the Clemson area. Look for her on the Pickleball court!

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