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Stacia Skinner

Stacia Skinner

Virtual Sales
BA – University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, MA – Drake University,

Stacia Skinner’s passion is to help companies save, sustain and grow their business. With 20+ years in sales, she is the secret sauce that has helped companies build competitive sales teams. From hello to close and from live, to virtual processes, she brings to the table work!


Working with a variety of industries, including manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, office products, and furniture, Stacia has been successful in helping companies accelerate their sales growth!


Creative Training Solutions provides training in three unique areas: Train, Retain, and Master. Training is not just a checkmark it is helping sales teams create habits for continued growth.


Stacia Skinner has had the privilege of having two books published. The latest is Competitive Selling: The Guidebook to Proactive Calling in a Reactive World. Her first book, Sell Now! is an e-book. Both are available through amazon.com.

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