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Results for Microsoft Office

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hace 2 años

Microsoft Office 365 is no longer a ‘nice to have’ system which unites all of the tools and applications your employees need in order to thrive in the workplace. In the midst of moder

hace 4 meses

In the ever-evolving world of office automation, staying ahead of the curve is critical. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce one of our latest courses, Microsof

hace 9 meses

A whisper has spread across offices worldwide: Microsoft Teams Meetings are the next big thing in business collaboration. Are you in on the secret yet? Here at Bigger Brains, we&#

hace 1 año

Microsoft 365 has lots of apps and services that can benefit your day-to-day. While all the apps serve a purpose, understanding the essentials can improve your productivity! Thi

hace 1 año

Microsoft 365 cuenta con muchas aplicaciones y servicios que pueden beneficiar tu día a día. Si bien todas las aplicaciones tienen un propósito, ¡entender lo esencial puede mejo

hace 1 año

Since technology is constantly evolving and growing, many people assume that the younger generations will be fluent in all aspects of tech. While younger generations are famili

hace 2 años

As Microsoft updates its available software, some people may have noticed references to Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 2021. Is there a difference? Yes, and for those who rely on Mic

hace 2 años

Calendars and Emails contain some of the most critical information a business needs to grow. Sharing essential emails and publishing Microsoft 365 calendars are practical skil

hace 2 años

The month of April is also known as Celebrate Diversity Month. April is home to many religious sacred days and holidays. While these dates are important, there are also other thing

hace 2 años

Anyone can show up to an office from 9 to 5, look busy, and call it work. The real job is understanding how you are supposed to work. Maybe you’ve never had an office job before, or perha

hace 2 años

If someone were to ask you what the benefits of Microsoft 365 are, would you be able to give them a precise answer? If you had to describe the uses of Microsoft Teams and OneDrive in Mic

hace 2 años

Are you confident that your team is as productive as they could be in Microsoft Teams? Does your office comprehend how Microsoft Teams works, or do they know just enough to get by? Ar

hace 2 años

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish there were a place where I could learn everything about Microsoft 365?” If so, snap into reality because Bigger Brains has read your mind!

hace 2 años

People and businesses have had to adjust to employees working from home for over a year now. Even though everyone may not be present in the office, meetings and collaboration still

hace 3 años

It seems like there is never enough time during the day to get every important thing done. Between a growing worklist and other life obligations, most people look to cut time wastag

hace 3 años

Since the pandemic started, lots of people experienced the shift to working from home. During this shift, a large amount of companies turned to Micros

hace 3 años

Save the date for our upcoming webinarHow to Engage Employees with the Right Microsoft TrainingWednesday, February 24, 2021 2:00pm EST (11:00am PST) 

Are your empl

hace 4 años

Microsoft Teams was introduced to the world in March of 2017, and in just three short years has become ubiquitous across the corporate world.  By combining conversations, meetin

hace 4 años

Font Fluency!

PowerPoint Training: The Latest in Font Styles Between the PC and Mac Versions

Written by PowerPoint training expert, Kelly Vandever

Have you ever been in a present

hace 4 años

Since early March, Bigger Brains has provided free training to those who find themselves unexpectedly working from home during the COVID-19 situation.  We call it Work Fro

hace 6 años

Hands-down our most-requested courses involve Microsoft Office (especially Excel) and Office 365.  So we are especially pleased to announce four new courses, two of which cove

hace 8 años

Bigger Brains has found that most people are confused about what Office 365 actually is. Many think of it as just the traditional Office apps – Word, Excel, etc – but pa

hace 8 años

Bigger Brains is very pleased to announce the release of the first in a series of new Office 365 solution courses.

Each course highlights a specific application within the Office 3

hace 3 años


A Training Manager’s Guide To Microsoft Office 365

Oct 27, 11am (EST)

Presented by Chip Reaves


Many organizations are using Microsoft 365 for email, Teams, Excel, and

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