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hace 4 meses

In today’s digital workspace, Microsoft 365 stands as a cornerstone, offering applications that revolutionize how we work. Recognizing its pivotal role, Bigger Brains

hace 7 meses

In today’s fast-paced work environment, managing tasks and workload efficiently is crucial. That’s why Bigger Brains is excited to introduce our latest course: M

hace 9 meses

A whisper has spread across offices worldwide: Microsoft Teams Meetings are the next big thing in business collaboration. Are you in on the secret yet? Here at Bigger Brains, we&#

hace 1 año

Growing up, I was a big fan of Star Trek, and older science fiction shows. I loved the glimpse into what the future could look like, as the writers of those shows imagined it. Some thin

hace 1 año

Since technology is constantly evolving and growing, many people assume that the younger generations will be fluent in all aspects of tech. While younger generations are famili

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Lots of people believe that if employees have access to engaging training in their Learning Management System, that should be enough for them to upskill on their own. Unfortunate

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With the world moving more virtual every day, almost everyone is familiar with video call meetings. Even individuals who don’t use Microsoft Teams every day must learn the softwa

hace 1 año

With the world moving more virtual every day, almost everyone is familiar with video call meetings. Even individuals who don’t use Microsoft Teams every day must learn the softwa

hace 1 año

Com o mundo se movendo mais virtual a cada dia, quase todo mundo está familiarizado com as reuniões por videochamada. Mesmo as pessoas que não usam o Microsoft Teams todos os dias de

hace 2 años

Microsoft Office 365 is no longer a ‘nice to have’ system which unites all of the tools and applications your employees need in order to thrive in the workplace. In the midst of moder

hace 2 años

Communicating internally within an organization has changed in the past years. Back when employees only worked inside the office, it was easier to call a group meeting and share i

hace 2 años

In most cases, Microsoft 365 applications offer more features than Microsoft 2021 applications. Thankfully, the current PowerPoint 365 and PowerPoint 2021 software have help

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By now, you should know the differences between Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 2021. While the differences may seem general, the differences can be more specific when it comes to 365

hace 2 años

As Microsoft updates its available software, some people may have noticed references to Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 2021. Is there a difference? Yes, and for those who rely on Mic

hace 2 años

Anyone can show up to an office from 9 to 5, look busy, and call it work. The real job is understanding how you are supposed to work. Maybe you’ve never had an office job before, or perha

hace 2 años

Are you confident that your team is as productive as they could be in Microsoft Teams? Does your office comprehend how Microsoft Teams works, or do they know just enough to get by? Ar

hace 2 años

Microsoft Teams is a software tool that constantly evolves and grows with new and better updates. Because of this, it is a good idea to make sure that you are solidified in the Micros

hace 2 años

Having to maneuver through a global pandemic while trying to find a new normal can understandably leave people stressed and frazzled. There wasn’t time to get accustomed to new ch

hace 2 años

Instead of introducing lots of new tools, Windows 11 focuses on refining and improving the tools you are already familiar with. Check out the Bigger Brains course, Brain Bites 

hace 2 años

People and businesses have had to adjust to employees working from home for over a year now. Even though everyone may not be present in the office, meetings and collaboration still

hace 2 años

While many people dream of running their own businesses, that reality is more available than most realize! Learning these professional tools has never been easier with the new&n

hace 2 años

In the business world, email is how we communicate with others. All-day long, we send questions, answers, and information to each other through our online mailboxes. With Micros

hace 2 años

Top Brains with Kathy Jones, Corporate Educator in Microsoft Applications.

Bethany Hacker:

Hello, everybody. I’m pleased to welcome Kathy Jones, the Bigger Brains cont

hace 2 años

During the Covid-19 work from home order, many businesses turned to Microsoft Teams. This platform allows people to share documents, collaborate with team members, and effortl

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